Gregory Sharp


Greg Sharp is Deputy General Manager of Jacobs Missile Defense Group, and Deputy Program Manager for the Integrated Research & Development Enterprise Solutions (IRES) contract. IRES is a $4.6B, eight-year contract that supports concurrent testing, training and operations conducted by the Missile Defense Agency with engineering, test planning and execution, information technology, and facility operations and maintenance.

Greg’s background is based in software engineering, broadened through program management and business development roles. He has worked primarily in the DoD sector, with experience in Retail, PetroChemical, and Engineering and Construction (E&C). Greg grew up in Little Rock, AR and attended Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee, FL. He received a degree in Management Information Systems from the FSU College of Business.

After college, Greg moved to Tampa, FL, to join Software Architects, Inc. The predominance of his time with Software Architects was spent as a software consultant to Publix Supermarkets, one of the largest grocery retailers in the US. He supported the development and sustainment of their intelligent pricing system.

In 2003, Greg joined TYBRIN, a small business acquired by Jacobs in 2009. He started as a software engineer on the Patriot Excalibur (PEX) program. He also served as a Team Lead and Product Owner (Business Analyst) before eventually being promoted to Program Manager. During his time, the program grew from a small project supporting a handful of USAF squadrons to an enterprise system deployed at 200 sites worldwide, managing Scheduling, Training, and Readiness for over 100k USAF personnel. He led several transformation initiatives focused on agile software delivery in DoD, transitioned the project to a formal USAF program of record, and led the Business Development efforts to secure two contract rebids. Under his leadership in 2016, the team was awarded the Jacobs Master Builder Award, recognizing the most exceptional projects in the company.

Following his work with PEX, Greg was asked to be the ion Product Manager as part of the Jacobs Connected Enterprise (JCE) initiative to digitize our industrial clients. He led Go-To-Market strategy for this company- wide strategy, developing business, license, and revenue models that transitioned the product from a strategic concept to a profitable business in two years. He even presented the solution to the investor community during Jacobs Investor Day 2019.

After his work with ion, Greg was asked to move to Colorado to serve as the Director of Information Technology Service Delivery (ITSD) for the IRES contract. He was responsible for the MDA IT Enterprise – Networks, Data Centers, End User Support, Unified Communications, and Application Management – managing an organization with 600 people, 150 active projects, and a $150M budget. He led an organizational change to a new organizational structure, delivery model, contract structure, and financial management system. This change dramatically increased performance scores while concurrently reducing budget overruns. His efforts as Director led to his promotion to DPM 18 months later.

Greg’s long tenure with Jacobs reflects his shared belief in the value of people as the heart of our business, clients as valued partners, and a dedication to ethics, innovation, and performance excellence. Greg has a passion for the DoD mission, which was a primary driver for moving his family from Florida to Colorado. He is married and has two children (Quinn-8, Campbell-11) with whom he spends most of his free time.

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